A volte mi sembra di non avere abbastanza tempo per il lavoro che amo e per tutte le mie passioni, altre volte vorrei solo restare li a guardare il mio bimbo diventare ogni giorno più grande... tutto sommato però sono abbastanza serena perchè ho deciso di non stressarmi troppo con il pensare e di dedicarmi solo a fare, creare e nuotare!!!
Ed ecco a voi la Moodboard per la cameretta di Elia, che dite vi piace?
I'm really sad when I miss blogging for so much time, but with the summer season here at Studio Paz working rhythms become super tight, there are gardens that we have already made that require maintenance, while requests for designing gardens, and terraces etc.. increase more and more ... in the meantime our Elia has started wanting to explore the world before crawling and now trying to stand up whenever he can! You can imagine that sleep falls upon me at 8 in the evening :-)
Sometimes it seems to me not having enough time for the job that I love and all my passions, other times I would just stand there watching my baby grow bigger every day... all in all, however, I'm quite calm because I have decided to do not stress me too much with thinking and dedicate myself to do, create and swim!!!
And here for you the Elia's bedroom moodboard, do you like it?
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credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. |
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